Novedades inglesas '19


The Wicked King (The Folk of the Air, #2)King of Scars (Nikolai Duology, #1)The Winter of the Witch (Winternight Trilogy, #3)An Anonymous GirlSlayer (Slayer, #1)Evermore (Everless, #2)Superman: Dawnbreaker (DC Icons, #4)Dream Keeper (The Dark Dreamer Trilogy, #1)The Similars (The Similars, #1)StainThe BindingIn Paris With YouCircle of Shadows (Circle of Shadows, #1)Golden ChildUnmarriageableOnce Upon a River


On the Come Up


The Everlasting Rose (The Belles, #2)SherwoodGirls with Sharp SticksThe Waking ForestThe Fever King (Feverwake, #1)Bloodleaf (Bloodleaf #1)The Queen's Resistance (The Queen’s Rising, #2)To Best the BoysThe Shadow Glass (The Bone Witch, #3)InternmentOf Ice and Shadows (Of Fire and Stars, #2)Beware the NightNever-Contented Things


Finale (Caraval, #3)


Sorcery of ThornsWherever She Goes


The World of Throne of Glass


The Beautiful (The Beautiful #1)

Starsight [Escuadrón 2] de Brandon Sanderson 

Sin fecha

Wayward Son (Simon Snow, #2)


Cuarta parte El archivo de las tormentas de Brandon Sanderson

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